In recent years, psychologists have increasingly focused their attention on finding out what makes us truly happy. The research has found one fundamental concept to be true – that our happiness is a state of mind that comes from within, and is not necessarily dependent on what is going on in our lives. In other words, we can choose to be happy, regardless of our external circumstances. This is the key to happiness. [Read more…] about The Key To Happiness – It’s All In Your Head
The Power of Thoughts: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven” – John Milton, from the 17th century poem Paradise Lost. How our thinking affects our wellbeing is not a new idea. But how can you change your thinking?
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching research shows that all our emotions and all our actions come from our thinking. Once you grasp this simple concept, you have the power to change your life for the better. The way we think about things has a huge influence on our level of happiness, our career, and success in life. [Read more…] about The Power of Thoughts: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Happiness: How To Build A Joyful Life
What’s the point of life if you don’t find happiness and joy in it? We have all won the lottery of birth to get here in the first place. The odds against your very existence are astronomical – you’re one of the lucky few. Given this fact, it’s almost our duty to make the most of it. [Read more…] about Happiness: How To Build A Joyful Life