Stuck in a job you don’t like? Take charge of your career! Here are some simple steps to help you work out how to get the job you want…
Because you’ve landed on this page I’m guessing you’re toying with the idea of evaluating your current job situation and seeking out new and exciting opportunities.
Here are some simple steps to help you work out how to get the job you want…
1. Know What You Want
Changing jobs just for the sake of change is not a great strategy, so the first step is to decide what you really want to do.
Studies have shown that those who are happiest in their work have two things going for them…
- They enjoy what they do
- They are good at it
Who would have thought? 😂
Here’s where to start…
Take a piece of paper and on the left hand side write down all the things you enjoy doing, at home and at work.
Then on the right hand side write down all the things you know you’re good at.
It may look something like this…
Things I enjoy:
- Meeting new and interesting people
- Achieving goals
- Working in a team environment
- Clothes shopping
- Travel
Things I’m good at:
- Relating well to others
- Formulating plans
- Following through on tasks
- Time management
Now think about what kind of job would best suit the things on your list.
In this example, a good fit might be working in the fashion industry as a sales rep or buyer.
2. Plan How to Get There
Once you have an achievable goal in mind, set a realistic deadline and ask yourself what you need to do to get this ideal job.
- Do you need additional qualifications?
- Would it be good to acquire new skills and experience?
- Do you have to know people in the industry?
Now think about how you can incorporate these strategies into your plan.
It may take some time and effort, as well as sacrifice, but if it means you can move into a job that gives you real satisfaction and happiness, it’s worth it.
3. Get the Job
When it comes to applying for a job, make sure to tailor your CV specifically for the position you’re going for.
Employers see your CV as a reflection of how you work so your CV should be concise, relevant, and professional.
During the interview, presentation is important, so it pays to look your best.
When answering questions, try to find a balance somewhere between giving short yes and no answers (too short), and long rambling stories (too long).
Only talk about what’s relevant to the question being asked.
How to Get the Job You Want, Faster
Getting some sound career coaching will boost your chances of success.
If you really want a better job, it’s up to you to make it happen.
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