This career-change coaching program is designed for people who want to transition to a new career – and not make the wrong decision.
My 8-week coaching program How to Change Careers (Without Making A Bad Decision) is all about clarifying and de-risking the transition from an unfulfilling career to a new, fulfilling one.
You know what you want to achieve,
I know the science to get you there.
Let’s work together.
On This Page
Quick Overview
- 8-week coaching program How to Change Careers (Without Making A Bad Decision) that is guaranteed to deliver results or your money back.
- The outcome I deliver is to equip you with the confidence and a solid plan to safely embark on a career change. You’ll start feeling motivated, engaged and excited by your work, without the fear of making the wrong decision holding you back.
- Designed for people who are…
- Unhappy and unfulfilled in their current role,
- Realise their career is not the one they want to be in,
- Want to change careers and find more fulfilment in life,
- Have been thinking about this for quite a while, sometimes years,
- Not sure exactly what they want to do, or how to go about it,
- Need clarity and direction.
- Between weekly sessions: Unlimited support.
- After you have completed the 8-week program: Lifetime unlimited and discounted Momentum Sessions (by phone, Video Meet or in-person) to keep you on track and accountable.
- $4,500 plus gst
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About the 8-Week Career-Change Coaching Program
I’ll meet with you if you live in Auckland, or we can FaceTime, GoogleMeet or Teams for a free no-obligation Career Clarity Consultation to listen and discuss your specific situation and dream outcome – the confidence and a solid plan to safely embark on a career change.
If you think I can help you achieve your dream outcome, you’ll enrol in my 8-week coaching program, How to Change Careers (Without Making A Bad Decision).
The program consists of 12 modules delivered over 8 weeks. We spend more time on the modules that relate strongly to your situation, and skim through the ones that don’t.
You’ll attend weekly 1-hour personal, one-on-one coaching sessions (in-person or virtual), receive written customised weekly action plans, and have my full availability and support between sessions to keep you on track.
- Module 1: Foundations
- In this module we create the Foundation Document. This is a Q&A session that will uncover your core values, personality, priorities, and ideal life. We use this as a core reference during the program.
- We clarify desired outcomes (what do you want from coaching?) and identify focus areas (career, business, direction, resilience, wealth, lifestyle, confidence, health & fitness, etc).
- Module 2: Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
- In this module we gather data, optimise your mindset (thoughts, beliefs, images, emotions, behaviours, physical reactions), and identify limiting beliefs.
- You’ll come to understand how your thinking habits influence your circumstances, success, actions and behaviours, as well as your feelings and emotions. Then I’ll teach you how to easily reframe unhelpful thought patterns so they no longer have a hold over you.
- Module 3: Mindfulness
- Numerous studies show that mindfulness = less stress and greater happiness. I’ll teach you how to do it. I show you how to reduce stress, acknowledge your emotions and allow unhelpful thoughts to drift away, how to practice mindfulness, and identify specific activities or events to practice mindfulness.
- Module 4: Vision Goal
- In this module we paint a clear picture of your long-term vision and craft a compelling goal.
- Module 5: Confidence (if needed)
- In this module we develop and model specific techniques and mindsets that leave you with permanent methods to banish low confidence forever.
- Module 6: Communication (if needed)
- In this module you’ll learn about “expression vs impression” and how to use it to your advantage.
- We’ll also develop and model specific communication techniques and methods that give you the power to communicate effectively, authentically and transparently. Your team will thank you for it!
- Module 7: Leadership (if needed)
- In this module you’ll learn the most important foundation of leadership and how to build on it every day. I’ll show you how to earn trust, and specific actions that increase trust. We also cover the 4 disciplines of executive leadership, and the concept of servant leadership and how to apply it.
- Module 8: Career Confusion (if needed)
- In this module we’ll identify your strengths and how best to play to them.
- We’ll hone in on what you’re good at and what you enjoy, and identify the intersectional points to build on.
- I’ll get you thinking about the big picture, and relate it back to your ‘Why’ (the Foundation Document).
- Module 9: Goals and Strategies
- Module 8 was the ‘Why’. This module is the ‘How’. We’ll develop 1-page Goal & Strategy plans around focus areas.
- I’ll teach you how to keep your plans sustainable over the following year. The techniques, once learned, are simple but require consistent action on your part to work towards the goals we identify. I’m your personal trainer but you’re the one who has to lift the weights! I’ll keep you accountable.
- Systems beat goals every time. This module gives you the systems to achieve your goals.
- Module 10: Resilience and Stress Management
- In this module we develop contingency plans to manage any disruptions and problems that might come along. We also put in place concrete strategies to manage and alleviate stress, and reframe threats into something more constructive and actionable.
- Module 11: Health & Fitness (if needed)
- In this module we look at your diet and exercise and put in place changes to regain your health and fitness. With your body back under control you’ll be looking forward to a longer and more active lifespan.
- Module 12: Locking It In
- In this module we go back to your Foundation Document to review what we’ve done and confirm that everything has been covered.
- Bonus Module 13: Finances (optional)
- In this optional bonus module I give you a compressed version of my wealth coaching service. We will cover all aspects relevant to your financial situation and goals, and develop a wealth plan.
- My aim is to teach you what it takes to accumulate wealth, and give you the tools to get where you want to go. I’ll help you avoid typical money mistakes and ensure you get maximum benefit from your hard-earned cash.
- P.S. I’m completely unbiased. I don’t have professional affiliations with any investment providers, and I don’t recommend any specific investment products.
- Between weekly career-change coaching sessions:
- Unlimited support. You can call me any time between sessions. I will answer any questions you have, or clear up anything you’re unsure about, or provide advice and coaching on any situation you’re facing.
- After you have completed the 8-week career-change coaching program:
- Lifetime unlimited catch-up sessions (by phone, Video Meet or in-person) to keep you on track and accountable.
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Why Choose Kris de Jong
- I’ve managed large and diverse teams over the years, with significant experience in HR, recruitment, performance and people management. I use an evidence-based approach in my coaching work – one of the reasons my clients get such good results. My coaching framework featured in the management textbook Developing Coaching Skills by Dietmar Sternad.
- I’m used to performing at the highest levels (represented NZ in athletics) with a science background (BSc in Psychology & Biology) and a stack of coaching certifications. I’m also a leadership and business consultant for two New Zealand companies I’ve invested in after achieving financial freedom at 40.
- My coaching practice is highly rated:
- One of the “10 Most Impactful Life Coaches Changing Lives” by America Daily Post
- Awarded “Best Career and Life Coach (Auckland)” by Corporate Vision Magazine.
- Ranked No. 1 for “Best Life Coaches in Auckland” by Auckland Magazine
- Ranked No. 2 for “Best Life Coaches in Auckland” by TopReviews.co.nz
- Ranked in “Top 10 Best Life Coach Auckland” on Yelp
My Expertise
I gained a BSc in Psychology and Biology from University of Waikato.
I was later certified in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, Professional Life Coaching, Executive Coaching and Executive Leadership.
I’m also a Certified Practitioner of the Global Leadership Assessment 360 (GLA360).
As a member of the International Association of Coaching (IAC), I adhere to a code of ethics that promotes a professional and respectful relationship between coach and client at all times.
I’ve managed large and diverse teams over the years with significant experience in HR, recruitment, performance and people management.
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Client Testimonial #1: Scott
I’ve just hit my 1-year anniversary working in the private sector as the Technical Manager (“GM Technical”).
It has been a really interesting transition, but a very rewarding/successful one.
Client Testimonial #2: Mark
Kris really helped me hone in on what I wanted to achieve and how to get it. I actually didn’t know exactly what I wanted until it became clear via the coaching process.
I have since actioned many things and doors are opening.
A great investment indeed and I am glad I reached out for help.
Career-Change Coaching Case Study: Nick’s story
Nick (name changed for privacy) is a confident and ambitious young man who found himself at a crossroads in his life and career.
Nick had worked in the armed forces and had many skills and a ton of experience in high pressure environments. After a major injury and a relationship break-up, he was languishing and feeling a bit sorry for himself. He lacked a sense of purpose but was now ready to change careers and get moving again; he just didn’t know what or how.
The armed services had instilled in Nick a desire to strive towards goals and objectives, so he was firstly looking for clarity around his aspirations.
He wanted to make some decisions around career direction and have specific plans.
He had a fundamental base level of resilience, but that had been diminished somewhat in recent times, and he wanted it back.
He also wanted a pathway to real wealth.
During the career-change coaching process we focused on:
- Mindset
- Resilience
- Clarity & Direction
- Career
- Wealth
The first thing we did was establish a Foundation Document that reflected who he is and where he wants to be.
This helped to define purpose, meaning and clarity, and was used as a touchstone and reference point for his decision-making and planning.
We then optimised his mindset by working through two intensive Cognitive Behavioural Coaching sessions that gave him powerful insights into two specific thinking habits we identified that were holding him back and causing anxiety.
Once Nick was aware of these two unhelpful thinking patterns he was able to label them accordingly and deal with them appropriately. This helped him nurture more helpful and constructive thoughts that moved him forward.
The Plan
We created an aspirational long-term lifestyle goal aligned with his foundation that acted as a lode star for him to intentionally move towards.
We then developed three 1-page plans that gave him a Goals & Strategies roadmap for his lifestyle goal trajectory:
- Career goal & strategies plan
- Relationships goal & strategies plan
- Resilience goal & strategies plan
As part of the planning process we identified the potential obstacles and barriers that might get in the way of getting what he wants.
This flowed into the next step – figuring out ways to mitigate or overcome them.
One major hurdle identified was a lack of motivation. We dedicated an entire session to this. We worked on his unhelpful beliefs, nurtured constructive beliefs, and made the connection between his aspirations and the systems we put in place to reach his goals.
In the final session, we went through an overview of Nick’s financial situation and his lifestyle ambitions, and created a blueprint for wealth-building into the future.
Weeks after completing the coaching program, Nick had secured a national sales role that he was loving and thriving in.
He had regained his motivation and sense of purpose, and also had tools he could use when faced with any future challenges.
A successful outcome!
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Pricing – Career-Change Coaching Program
The fee of $4,500 plus gst for my 8-week career-change coaching program How to Change Careers (Without Making A Bad Decision) is an investment in your future success and will pay for itself many times over. 100% guaranteed.
Marketing folk like to talk about ‘investment’ rather than ‘cost’, but in this case I truly believe my 8-week coaching program (guaranteed to deliver results or your money back!) is a small investment in your future earning potential.
You might be earning $80,000 or $120,000 or $180,000 p.a. and if I can help you improve or extend or protect that earning potential by just 10%, that’s $8,000 or $12,000 or $18,000 you’ll gain.
The ROI on my 8-week career-change coaching program at $4,500 plus gst is huge. Much better than you’d get putting it into a sharemarket growth fund!
Affordable Payment Plan: For added convenience you have the option of splitting your payment into 4 easy instalments of $1,125 +gst.
I made a promise at the top of this page that my 8-week coaching program is “guaranteed to deliver results or your money back”.
And in the pricing section above I promised that “the fee of $4,500 +gst is an investment in your future success and will pay for itself many times over. 100% guaranteed.”
Here’s how my Better-Than-Money Back Guarantee works…
- No-Questions-Asked 100% Money-Back Guarantee: If after the first few sessions you’re not completely satisfied with your coaching, I guarantee you won’t pay any fees. And you get to keep all the program materials you received up to that point. If you’re not happy, you don’t pay.
- Personal Service Offer: After you have completed my 8-week coaching program, you will have a solid plan and some wins already under your belt, and be well on the way to achieving your goals. After that I offer unlimited discounted 1-1 Momentum Sessions (by phone, online video meeting, or in-person) to keep you on track and accountable. First Momentum Session is free. Thereafter at the discounted rate of $325 +gst. I really want you to succeed.
Re the Outcome I Deliver for Career Changers (6)
It’s a fraction of the cost of staying stuck and miserable in your current career. What price your physical and mental health, and the negative impact on your family?
Coaching is an investment in your future success and will pay for itself many times over. 100% guaranteed.
And you get to do it out-of-hours while you remain fully employed without any loss of income whatsoever.
Overall, the potential downside risks of going it alone are far too costly to do it without coaching. Look at coaching as guardrails to prevent you from making a catastrophic mistake.
With coaching, you’ll get to your dream outcome in a fraction of the time and a fraction of the risk.
And the concepts you learn you’ll be able to apply for the rest of your life.
Affordable Payment Plan: For added convenience you have the option of splitting your payment into 4 easy instalments of $1,125 +gst.
New skills can be learned. I’ll show you exactly how using my “How to Acquire New Skills Effortlessly & Easily” process.
In our Module #2 session you and I will dive into the mindset side of this, and in our Module #9 session we will plan the exact action steps you can take to make it happen.
To make it easy and keep you on track, you will get a “Mindset Cheat Sheet” and detailed “1-page Goal & Action Plan”, both of which are customised specifically for YOU.
It is entirely possible (but not a certainty!) that your career transition could involve some short-term sacrifices to achieve BIG LONG-TERM GAINS.
But you have to (i) keep your eye on the big picture outcome that I know you want, and (ii) develop a plan to mitigate any short-term friction that would otherwise keep you trapped.
My process absolutely does both, guaranteed.
My process will help you get clarity on your values, what you’re good at, and what you enjoy doing. From that foundation, we’ll have you pointed in the right direction ready to chase your new career in 8 weeks, or your money back.
You can’t act in the past; you can only act in the present. The best time time to start is always NOW.
Your current regret is a small fraction of the monster your future regret will grow into if you don’t take action now, while you can.
When you consciously work towards your ideal CAREER… that’s what you’ll find enjoyable. Your first job within your new career might be your dream role for life, or just a stepping stone to a better one.
When you put it into context like that, it doesn’t matter if the new job isn’t as enjoyable as you’d hoped, because changing jobs is easier than changing careers. And that’s a lot more enjoyable than staying stuck and discontented in your current role.
Re Your Likelihood of Achievement (6)
Part of working with me is getting the right plan in place, which will make it easy to sustain your effort until you land your dream outcome.
In module #9 we develop 1-page Goal & Strategy plans around focus areas. I teach you how to keep those plans sustainable. The techniques, once learned, are simple. I’ll keep you accountable and on track.
Systems beat goals every time. Module #9 gives you the systems to achieve your goals.
It is entirely possible (but not a certainty!) that changing careers will involve some difficulty. But remember this: the pain of not changing is far greater than the pain of changing.
The best time to START is NOW. The job market always swings, and when it does you’ll have put in the hard work and be Johnny on the spot.
Remember the old saying: Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. If you do the preparation now you’ll be perfectly positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that come up.
Skills can be learned and qualifications can be achieved. My process will easily identify what you need and, more importantly, how to get there.
Support is there if you seek it out. I’ll show you how to do it easily and effortlessly. And a good coach will guide you to success – that’s what I’m here for and no doubt why you sought me out.
When you align your decisions with your values and priorities, it’s always the right decision. The key is getting clear on your values and priorities.
Whilst self-reflection can be difficult, you’ll look back at the end of our Module #4 session (after we have gained 100% clarity on your core values and your true priorities, given you a framework for putting your thinking into context, addressed the mindset issues that would otherwise prevent you from achieving your full potential, and nailed your Vision Goal) and think, “Gosh, that was easy!”
Re the Time It Might Take to Change Career (4)
At the end of the 8-week program, you’ll have a rock solid plan in place. This will give you great confidence in the timeline.
The ideal time to start working towards your ideal career is NOW.
Deep down you know that trying to make the decision conditional upon an external factor outside your control is just procrastination.
There is never an IDEAL TIME to start towards your ideal life. Therefore, the ideal time IS NOW.
You’re not helping your relationship or your children by remaining in a career that drains your soul. The earlier you start the sooner your soul will sing.
It’s NEVER TOO LATE to work towards the career you want. I can regale you with countless stories of people who changed careers late in life TO FIND SUCCESS.
Re the Effort & Sacrifice Required (5)
Or it might be great. Just sayin’. Seriously though, it’s less about the job and more about the CAREER. Your first job within your new career might be idyllic, or just a stepping stone to a better one.
When you put it into context like that, it doesn’t matter if the new job is just as bad as your current job, because changing jobs is easier than changing careers. And that’s a helluva lot better than staying stuck and discontented in your current role.
If changing careers is a priority, then you and I will make a plan for you to make time for it. I’ve never failed with a client and I will do whatever it takes to make sure you don’t either!
Yes, and isn’t that great? Rather than thinking of it in negative terms, I encourage you to embrace the benefits.
Brain research shows that learning new things improves neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change and adapt), increases the number of neural links in your brain, and enhances your cognitive capabilities. It makes you smarter! (Ref: University of Texas)
The benefits of lifelong learning and self-improvement include improved job security, opening the door to new roles or new careers, renewed motivation, stronger soft skills, better cognitive health, and building confidence. (Ref: Corporate Finance Institute)
I guarantee your family life and your long-term security will improve when you are enjoying your work. I’ll have you on the path to that new job in just 8 weeks.
A bachelors degree can easily cost you $300,000. Lost earnings over the 3-4 years with no income while you complete it accounts for $200,000 to $300,000 of that. Just the fees alone are up to $10,000. Heck, even a diploma costs up to $18,400 in fees, not to mention the lost earnings while you complete it.
And studying part time means you’ll take ~9 years to complete it. Yikes!
But people willingly take on such huge financial costs because they know it’s an investment in their future earning potential.
Coaching is an investment in your future success and will pay for itself many times over. 100% guaranteed.
And you get to do it out-of-hours while you remain fully employed without any loss of income whatsoever.
Overall, the potential downside risks of going it alone are far too costly to do it without coaching. Look at coaching as guardrails to prevent you from making a catastrophic mistake and get you to your dream outcome in a fraction of the time.
Re the Coaching Process (7)
A good coach will motivate you. But more importantly it’s about providing the right tools for you to succeed in the long term. The concepts you learn during the coaching period will be invaluable for the rest of your life.
Not really. My coaching deals with the present and the future, not the past. I look at your potential and find ways for you to get what you want out of life.
The coaching program comprises a 1-hour session each week and runs for 8 weeks.
Yes, you can call me any time between sessions. I will answer any questions you have, or clear up anything you’re unsure about, or provide advice and coaching on any situation you’re facing.
Generally no more than 2 hours per week.
With my 8-week coaching program, you get lifetime unlimited Momentum sessions (by phone, Video Meet or in-person) to keep you on track and accountable.
Yes, everything is 100% confidential. Even the testimonials and case studies you read here are anonymised to protect my clients’ confidentiality.
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