Nothing great is achieved without a plan. You need to know what you want and how to get there. Here’s how to make a plan for your life…
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Keep It Simple, Stupid
We’ve all heard the mantra of Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) in the workplace. The benefits of this philosophy are clear, in that workers understand what their roles are, the organisation’s vision is clear, and productivity increases as staff spend less time trying to understand and follow complex procedures. Generally speaking – the simpler, the better. [Read more…] about Keep It Simple, Stupid
Why New Year resolutions don’t work – and what to do about it
As a new year begins, many of us will be thinking about making resolutions. Unfortunately, a recent study shows that we’ll only be able to keep about 8% of our resolutions. 92% of our resolutions will fail! So how do you ensure that you can beat these odds?
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality: Set Incredible Goals
What are dreams? By definition, they’re abstract and fuzzy. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a dream as “a series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person”. Here’s how to turn your dreams into reality.
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Procrastination: 5 Ways To Stop Doing It
Procrastination can stop us from achieving what we want. It can also cause stress, anxiety and a lot of time-wasting. If you want to stop procrastination… [Read more…] about Procrastination: 5 Ways To Stop Doing It
Take Your Career To The Next Level
First, decide what you really want to do in your career. Trying to climb the ladder to a job you don’t enjoy is a pointless exercise. Work satisfaction comes from doing the things you’re objectively good at and the things you enjoy doing (funny that!).
After establishing what it is you want in your work life, set your career goals. [Read more…] about Take Your Career To The Next Level